Sunday, January 20, 2008

Solar Film For Windows

So, you’ve been reading along and really feeling like doing something to help the environment and save money. You feel compelled to use solar energy, but at this time you simply aren't in the position to install a solar power system in your home for one reason or another. Well, here is your chance to do something. Solar film for windows is a cost-effective, yet efficient way to participate in passive solar heating. No significant remodeling to do, just the application of film to your windows. You can finally get in on the trend of solar energy.

Solar film for windows is a light film that is applied to the windows in your home. It rejects 60% of the sun’s rays coming through your home. This is great for many reasons. The first reason is energy. How much energy do you use cooling your home in the summer? With solar film, you will be able to reduce that amount, because the sun will not be heating your home nearly as much. You can reduce the cost of air conditioning 30-40%!

Solar film for windows is great for many other reasons. It blocks 99% of UV rays, keeping your furniture and home décor safe from fading. This is also good news for your skin, because you can get skin damage even when you are inside your home! Your leather couch and your skin will both thank you! The film also protects against weather damage. Whether it’s just normal wear and tear from high-powered winds, or keeping your windows from breaking in tornados or hurricanes, solar film is strong enough to keep your home and family safe and comfortable.

Solar film for windows is widely available. It comes in different styles and price ranges. You can purchase frosted solar film, creating the look of frosted glass at a fraction of the cost. You can also purchase anti-graffiti film for your shop or industrial compound. You may choose to install the film yourself or have a professional do it. Either way, solar film installation is quick and easy.

Benefits of solar power - Solar Energy Advantages is your source for information on renewable energy sources, solar panels, fountain pumps, home solar plans and information on how solar energy works and can benefit your home and family. One of the ways that you can use solar heat without spending too much or converting your entire home to solar heating is with a solar heat exchanger. These are available for a wide variety of uses including solar pool heaters, solar pond aerators, sheds and hot water heaters.